Monday, May 11, 2015

The General Epistle of Samuel (sprint to the finish)‏

It was great to see most of you yesterday. It's always enjoyable to hear your voices. As we talked about plans of returning home and where to work and what not I was reminded of a quote our mission president shared with us on a conference call with my MTC group. He said, "the way you end your mission is the way you begin the rest of your life." With that in mind I've been striving hard to remain focused on the work I'm called to do despite all the possible distractions. Serving a mission is so wonderful!

This week we were able to get quite a lot done. We are working with George whom you met briefly while we were skyping. We usually meet him at the chapel about once a week and play table tennis and follow up on how his Book of Mormon reading is and praying. He is doing well. He's a great kid and has a lot of potential. We can hopefully help him make the covenant of baptism before I return. I'm praying he will. 

We are figuring out how to use iPads as well. There have been a few setbacks due to data privacy laws on Europe so we currently can't use the area book and planner app. Despite the minor setbacks we are seeing the iPads be quite a good tool. Many people are accustomed to watching videos so that has been great to show people different videos that soften their hearts to speaking with us more about the gospel. 

I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you all again! Love you all!

Elder Dalton

Sent from my iPad

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