Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The General Epistle of Samuel (iPads!)

Well this week has been quite eventful for us. On Tuesday we had a mission wide conference in Hyde Park so we had to make the three hour drive into London. I'm the only competent driver so after a three hour trip in, a five hour meeting, and a three hour drive home, I was quite exhausted. We had a great time though and we were able to drive past a few sights in London. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the houses of parliament, the London eye, and across tower bridge just to name a few. We had a great time and learned a lot at the meeting. The theme of the meeting was disciples of Jesus Christ in the digital age. Obviously it was due to our mission receiving ipads but that was hardly mentioned. The greater focus was about agency, the atonement and repentance. There was a great focus on strengthening our testimony of the saviour and how that would help us make good decisions on the internet. It was very inspiring and uplifting.

As I've mentioned we received iPads this week (see picture below). They are iPad mini's and have a lot of blocks on them. I guess the church has learned quite a lot since they first tested them in pilot missions in the US and Japan. We currently can use all the church aps along with other ones like weather, maps, iMessage, email and whatnot. We'll soon be allowed to use facebook and skype to use to teach. The church has developed and incredible app for the pamphlets. I recommend checking it out. It is a great tool and we've seen it help us be more effective. Once they sort out a few legal issues we'll even be able have our area book and planner on the iPads. There is a data protection law here in Europe that doesn't allow personal information to be on the internet so that is what is holding that app back from being released to us. Maybe they'll have it done in five weeks... 

As far as the work is going we are working hard to help people progress. Jo's son George is showing some interest so that is good. We'll be playing some table tennis tonight with him and we'll have a chat to see where he is. It is moving along. I am so thankful for all the blessings from being a missionary. I don't want it to end! I hope you all have a fantastic week. I love you all!!!

Elder Dalton
I'm pretty sure these are weeds but they look nice

service project

sleepy village tracting in the rain!

Selfie in a bookshop

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